
Welcome to ttt-blockprint

A craft to fall in love with

ttt stands for tasteful. timeless. traditional.

We print fabrics made from natural fibers by hand using wooden models. Under our roof, we create our own original patterns, design our own wooden stamps and print fabrics by hand to order.

Our aim is to combine old tradition with modernity. There are no limits to our creativity. No two patterns are the same. Each pattern is unique.

Visit us in our studio in the heart of the Salzkammergut at the beautiful Lake Attersee and take a piece of ttt heart and soul home with you!

Discover our passion

Bring a piece of ttt heart and soul into your home

We use our very own senses to hold a beautiful piece in our hands at the end, into which we have put a lot of thought, love and heart and soul.

Let our previous projects inspire you.

We create atmosphere

A space where creativity and tradition meet

For us, perfection lies in the imperfection created by printing. This is what makes the craft so authentic and the pieces so individual.

Während sich draußen der April austobt, werkeln wir in unserem gemütlichen, warmen Atelier an neuen Stoffen in frühlingshaften Farben. Passend zum Flieder, der überall blüht… 🇬🇧While April is raging outside, we are working on new fabrics in spring-like colours in our cosy, warm studio. Matching the lilacs that are blooming everywhere...#ttt_blockprint #blockprinting #handdrucke #handwerk #handicraft #attersee_salzkammergut #attergau_salzkammergut #blockprint
Let‘s start printing our pomegranate print…#ttt_blockprint #blockprinting #handycraft #handdrucke #handwerkskunst #attergau_salzkammergut #salzkammergut
Das was in der Zeitraffer so schnell aussieht, ist in Wahrheit ein langer Prozess mit vielen Schritten, damit ein Muster zustande kommt... 🇬🇧 What looks so quick in the time lapse is actually a long process with many steps to create a pattern...#ttt_blockprint #patterndesign #pattern #blockprint #handdrucke #attersee_salzkammergut #salzkammergut
Wir arbeiten gerade an einem neuen interior Projekt… 🇬🇧working on a new interior project.  #ttt_blockprint #interiordesign #blockprinting #handdrucke #salzkammergut #attersee_salzkammergut
Wir arbeiten gerade an einem spannenden Hotelprojekt, für das wir Stoffe für Pölster und Betthäupter bedrucken… wir sind selbst schon gespannt auf das Ergebnis! #hotelproject #stoffdruck #salzburgerland #blockprint #handdrucke #printedfabric #blockprintedfabric #ttt_blockprint
Wir sind endlich in unser neues Atelier am See gezogen. Die Adresse ist die Selbe, aber der Raum ist ein anderer. Unser neuer happy place! #ttt_blockprint #studio #moving #blockprinting
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